Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December Sketches

I've had a little time off work so I've been drawing! Yay. Most of these were done in the Psycho Babble Coffee shop.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Recently I've been working on the opening title sequence for a soon to be released movie. I can't give away any of the details, other then its a live action movie and just the opening titles are animated. Hare are a few screen caps from the final project. I story boarded the whole thing and did all the character designs. I also painted a couple of the back grounds. Most of the backgrounds were painted by Brigette Barrager, also some by Aygul Idiyatullina. Aygul did all the text work on the names, all the animation was done by Ryan Shaw and Marina Gardner. The compositing was done by Ryan Shaw, Ethan Metzger, Aygul Idiyatullina and Andrew Borno. All things considered, I think our little team did a great job making it look cool.

When I get back to the studio in January I'll upload some of the Visual Development work I did for it and some of the story boards.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

more on the swamp theme

It was really fun playing around with pencil and marker on the first one.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Characters and channel frederator!

Hey everyone! My 4th year film is on Channel Frederator this week and if I get enough views I get money! Please click the link and watch it!

Some characters I've been playing around with. How do you like the new layout?

Line Up




Fall Colors

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

girls girls girls

Lots of girly drawings in this post in honor of the fact that I've been asked to join the Girls Drawing Girls group, which I think will be really fun. They have a website here: http://www.girlsdrawingirls.com/

This 1st one I did about a month ago after seeing some way cooler then I'll ever been skate boarding ladies on Venice beach.

This one is for Zoe Moss' way cute and nerdy Sailor Moon sketch blog. Its a deranged Chibi Moon! If you ever doodle sailor moon and want to post some drawings, check out the blog here: http://sailormmm.blogspot.com/

These two are quick self portraits

The rest of these are all quick sketches I do sometimes while watching TV (I'll admit, mostly Degrassi, its a guilty pleasure). I don't usually post my sketch book pages, but I thought these ones were kind of fun in a heavy lined ugly kind of way : )

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A real life tale from this summer

It wasn't until about a week later that the mystery of the furniture and planters being moved was solved. It turned out that a man that works for the apartment was going to paint the porch and thats why the furniture was moved. He actually didn't paint the porch until days later.... haha, you'd also think he could have given some warning!